Saturday, 16 February 2008

a well documented miracle?

In August last year (miracles happen?) I reported several cases of apparent healing miracles. I have done a little more checking up of one of these, and found some independent news reports.

The case concerned a Florida USA heart specialist and a man who failed to respond to emergency treatment after a massive heart attack, and was pronounced dead. But after a "voice" in his head told him to pray for the man, the heart specialist did so and the man revived.

The apparent miracle was first recorded by the International Press Association and on several christian websites, including the World Christian Doctors Network (which gave no details), and ASSIST. But when I found that some people won't accept a miracle account from a christian source, I checked out some secular accounts - the American College of Radiology, Fox News WSVN7, Florida, Fox News and Palm Beach Daily News archive.

These accounts give some extra information (although the reporting is not always clear) and include an interview with the healed man. I am trying to find further info to provide further verification.

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  1. This is really fascinating. I personally am skeptical of people, but I believe in miracles. So if what they are saying is true, I would certainly accept this as a miracle. I hope there is more published about it.

  2. I was in a meeting with Dr. Crandall in March and the anointing on this mans life is awesome. He gives all the glory to God, in the name of Jesus.

  3. Thanks for sharing that.

    It would be nice to have further documentation of this miracle, as some people ask for more evidence. Do you know if Dr Crandall doesn't want to do that because it is just making the whole thing a media sensation, or do you know of any further references which provide more evidence?

  4. If he truly received a 'calling' from God, I don't understand why he is charging for his products. I don't believe God favors prospering from sharing true good news.


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